25 let s Vámi
  • Clean rooms

    Clean rooms

    Special enclosed spaces which design and construction allow full control over the quality of air, especially the number of particles, sterility, temperature, humidity and pressure. The spaces are composed of metal walls and ceilings, specially made floors, glass surfaces and doors.
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Clients references


Univerzální stavební - Ing. Pavel Jedlička VZLU logo


Excellent cooperation, all conditions and terms corresponded with a deal. Integrity when discussing appointment with a user.

National Radiation Protection Institute - Eva ČermákováNational Radiation Protection Institute


Cooperation was in all points totally professional, reliable and high standard.

DYNTEC spol. s r. o. - MVDr. Ladislav PažoutDYNTEC spol. s r. o.


We appreciate company´s CRAC, spol. s.r.o. reliability, flexibility and high professionalism.

Nanovia - Ing. Jiří Dudjak, Ph D.Nanovia s.r.o.


Cooperation with CRAC, spol. s r.o. was carried out to our complete satisfaction. We recommend CRAC, spol. s r.o. for realization and delivery of Clean Rooms.

State Veterinary Institute Praha - MVDr. Bedřich HorynaState Veterinary Institute Praha


I hereby certify that the contractor - CRAC company realized the contract successfully and all works has been executed properly and professionally with all technical requirements. During the construction the contractor has complied within the norms and regulations concerning health and safety at work and environmental protection.

AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE a.s. - Ing. Pavel CyrusAERO Vodochody AEROSPACE a.s.


We appreciate CRAC´s erudition, reliability and responsiveness.

Bontaz Centre Cz s.r.o. - Frederic MachalaBontaz Centre Cz s.r.o.


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